Hebrews 12: 5“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children

Today’s Prayer:

Precious and Righteous King, Holy and Loving Father,

Your girls are here this morning to give You Honor and Praise. We dance before our King and delight in His favor. Thank You for filling us with your joy, love and superabundant peace. You are so gracious to us! We adore You and find such delight in serving You and boasting in Your Name.

Today we pray for our sisters who are going through difficult situations in their lives. Those who are dealing with heartache, confusion, anxiety and pain. We pray that you gently grab hold of their precious chins and lift their gaze upon You. We ask that You would intimately minister to Your precious ones in pain and fill them with faith in Who You Are. As faith arises release the ministering angels to command their atmosphere and bring calm to every storm. Let them read this prayer and receive immediate PEACE….. Let a prophetic wind blow among them to release a new level of higher living among them. Let the reality of heaven descend upon every circumstance. Bring all things into alignment and display the hidden agenda of the heaven. Show each and every one of your girls how much they mean to You.

Thank You for being a Father who dotes over His daughters.

We pray in the Name of Yeshua Hamashiac.. Amein